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Time Alone with God (TAG)

Written by Rebecca Wallace;

Time Alone with God. A simple and common phrase used throughout camp, but one with a much deeper and more important meaning than is often given credit. This has become a staple at camp, a vital part of the culture that is continued not just during summer camp, but all year. Campers and staff members fight to keep this a habit not just during the summer and during their time spent at camp, but all year long no matter where they are. This constant time with God can mean the difference in someone’s personal relationship with God, leading them to a deeper understanding of Him.

While it can be hard to fit this into people’s busy schedules, these normally busy schedules have been put on hold for many. With COVID-19 impacting our society greatly, many people are now back at home, together with their families. This is a trying time for everyone, but it is also an opportunity. An opportunity to gather, to connect with the Lord personally and individually, and then share that amongst your family. 

This semester we had a group of six interns who had the chance to spend a portion of their semester at camp with us this year. They are all currently at home with their families as we wait out the COVID-19 situation.  One of those interns, Kathryn Bracher, has continued the habits that she started at camp. She shared that she and her mom often do their TAG time together in their living room since she has been back home. “While TAG is personal between you and God, it is very encouraging for me to sit in the same room with my mom while we both have our TAG time. It is a special way to start the day, and encouraging for me to see my mom do it with me,” said Kathryn. 

TAG can look different in every household. Whether it be sitting together in the morning and encouraging your kids to begin their day with this or debriefing what the Lord is teaching everyone in the family while eating dinner, TAG can be implanted into each household in different ways. Camp Highland is posting daily Instagram stories of TAG prompts including videos from our staff, scripture references, and follow-up questions. Use this as a starting point if you are unsure of where to begin with your family. 

Don’t let this time at home go by without investing in your families, there is so much that can be accomplished during this time. Whether that be beginning new habits within your family, helping your children grow in their knowledge of God, encouraging your kids to develop a more personal relationship with the Lord, or even being more open as a family with where the Lord is working in each person’s life.  

Let this time at home be lived out with the purpose to develop your relationship with God and share that within your family. Use this time to implement ways that will encourage and develop the spiritual lives of the family members within your household. 

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